Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday's HOA Meeting Minutes


Minutes, September 8, 2008
Special Meeting, 7PM

Present: Paul Schifanelli, Pres.; Trisha Harms, 1st V.P.; Sam Langham, 2nd V.P.; David Roegner, Treas.; Kathy Wyand, Bd. Member; Bill Thompson, Bd. Member. Sandra Pella, Sect’y arrived late.

President Paul Schifanelli, acknowledging the sixty residents in attendance, called the meeting to order. Sam Langham led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Paul stated the business of the special meeting; the funds leftover from the previous, and now defunct HOA, the transfer of those funds to the Social Committee, and the request from Voice of El Dorado HOA of those funds to be used for community purposes. Paul offered everyone attending, an opportunity to voice his or her opinion, requesting strongly, decorum and respect. He also directed the audience to a display of various correspondences between certain park residents and attorneys regarding the legal status of the previous HOA, recent correspondences between Voice of El Dorado and the Social Committee, and applications to join Voice of El Dorado.

Paul gave a brief accounting of events including the inactive status of the previous HOA, the written requests last fall by several residents for new elections and status and financial accountings, the lack of response to these requests, the privately paid for and acquired legal status of two previous HOA’s and their corresponding corporations. He also recounted the events of November 18, 2008, his attempt to revive the old HOA, the disbanding of the old HOA and the transfer of $7,561.02 (the balance after attorney’s fees) to the Social Committee by the three remaining board members and a newly appointed board member for that purpose, without notification of park residents. He went on to tell of Charles Richardson’s phone call that same day, to Social Committee board members for acceptance or rejection of the transfer, the Schifanelli’s objection to depositing the funds until park residents were notified and permission was granted, and the subsequent meeting the next day, Monday, November 19 to vote. At that meeting, the Schifanellis again expressed their opinion that the old HOA had no right to transfer funds without notifying park residents, and that in their opinion; the Social Committee could be in legal jeopardy by depositing those funds. They recommended holding the funds until permission by a majority of park residents was obtained. The Schifanellis subsequently quit the Social Committee after everyone else voted to accept the funds without notification or permission. He told of June, 2008 correspondences from Voice of El Dorado to the Social Committee, attempting to bring the community together by requesting both groups work under one umbrella, and transferring the funds to the HOA to benefit the entire community, and the negative responses to those requests. At this time, Paul opened comments to the floor.

Gloria Henderson, space 100….long term resident who paid HOA and GSMOL dues to previous HOA for many years, wants an apology from the previous HOA as she never wanted her money to be gifted to the Social Committee, and wants it given to Voice of El Dorado.
Allan Hair, space 301….upset over letter from Social Committee stating that they will be better able to spend the money than the new HOA. He pointed out that the new HOA, regardless of membership, services all 302 spaces in the park, citing the need for emergency gear and supplies for disasters, while the Social Committee serves less than 70 spaces for social events. He feels the old HOA disbanded illegally, and that the Social Committee accepted the funds illegally.
Mary Barrington, space 34….questioned why the Social Committee does not work under the auspices of the HOA as in most other parks.
Bobby Donald, space 322….explained that the Social Committee was created first and that the HOA was not formed until the 1980’s.
Linda Roberts, space 84….a resident who sent letter to old HOA requesting status and working and financial information but received no response. Questions the Social Committee’s legal authority to accept the funds and use them.
Robert Denmead, space 76….agreed that the former HOA did not hold meetings and elections and did little to benefit the community. Questioned what efforts the new HOA were making to benefit the community and wants the money to be retained by the Social Committee.
Paul Schifanelli, space 309….listed the new HOA’s projects including, legally setting up the HOA with State and Federal, Helping Hands program, Weekly Shopping Day, Emergency Block Captain Program, CERTS classes, meetings with Griffin Industries, meetings with on site management and Star Management to open dialogue to benefit all.
Ken Creason, space 310….questioned the Social Committee’s refusal to turn over community money to the new HOA, and was one of four residents who wrote letters to the president of the old HOA. After no response, he retained an attorney to determine the status of the old HOA, finding that both previous HOAs were in suspension with the State. He feels that the previous HOA was closed down illegally, as it was not in compliance with corporate laws and ignored their own bylaws.
Terry Timmons, space 163….new resident, wanted to hear from both sides.
Jim Heady, space 108….33-year resident, not an active member of previous HOA, asked to join the board shortly before disbanding. Asked to review attorney’s recommendations, and agreed to implementation. His opinion is to keep the Social Committee separate from the new HOA.
Raul Torres, space 123….former board member of the old HOA says he contacted an attorney amidst threats of lawsuits, and was advised to dissolve with the option to disperse the funds, due to the length of time from when they had been collected. He felt that the Social Committee should benefit from the money because it is his opinion, the Social Committee is a non-profit organization, is not political and does not cost money to join.
Charles Richardson, space 218….two term president of Social Committee, opined that the Social Committee should not be part of the HOA because of its long-term, independent status and can better spend the money than can the HOA. He criticized Paul and Joyce Schifanelli’s positions to not accept the money without prior residents’ notification and permission, and for resigning their positions on the Social Committee. After questioning Paul Schifanelli’s leadership, he enumerated the projects the Social Committee discussed throughout the summer including; drawings for Von’s Gift Cards, Gas Gift Cards, two hours of free labor at coaches, new curb addresses, new Bingo board, paying for some coaches to be washed, and many other projects, to commence in October. He also claimed that the new HOA board threatened the Social Committee with lawsuits, but could provide no proof of such claims.
Joyce Schifanelli, space 309….Took exception to Mr. Richardson’s description of her’s and her husbands behavior, reiterating their feelings about the Social Committee accepting money from a questionable source before notification and permission from a majority of park residents. She also recounted questions at the time, of legal jeopardy to the Social Committee upon depositing the money.
Beverly Fox, space 191….suggested sharing the money so the HOA could prepare much needed supplies for a major disaster.
Mary Farcas, space 245….was and still is, very angry over the previous HOA’s gifting of the funds to the Social Committee. She recounted a specific conversation with Mr. Richardson after the transfer, claiming he reassured her that the money would be turned over to the new HOA when it became a fully legal entity, which it is. Mr. Richardson refuted Ms. Farcas’s claim by saying he would need a board vote.
Tom Brooks, space 311….felt the old HOA did not act in good faith by not asking park residents how to disperse the funds. He questioned who served on the old HOA board and served and still serves on the Social Committee. The answer was Raul Torres.
Kathy Wyand, space 325….the old HOA board should have notified the park of its actions before they happened and if the Social Committee had communicated with the new HOA about their planned community giveaways and programs, this situation could have been avoided. She suggested forming a committee of members from the new HOA and the Social Committee to work together on how to best spend the money.
David Roegner, space 307….says that the HOA serves the people but the Social Committee serves food!
Trisha Harms, space 22….is very impressed with the new HOA and all the programs they are working on, listed by Paul. She feels that the HOA should have the money to purchase needed supplies for emergency and disaster relief, and that more residents should become members and volunteers for the good of the community.
Sandy Pella, space 308….feels that both the HOA and the Social Committee do good things for the community and should join forces, share and work together.

Although prior to the meeting, Charles Richardson requested that Social Committee speakers be treated respectfully, which they were, he himself chose to launch personal verbal attacks while he had the floor, and provocations during comments made by other speakers in favor of the HOA.

Paul closed by saying that he believes a strong Homeowner’s Association benefits residents and management as well, citing that if such an organization existed in the past, many problems might have been avoided. The meeting was informative and served to define the attitude and path of the Social Committee.

Respectfully submitted,
Voice of El Dorado, Board of Directors

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