Friday, October 24, 2008

The League of Women Voters/ Fillmore Gazette Debate

This is my view of the debate, as unbiased as I can be.
The star of the show was easily Gayle Washburn. She had the facts, directions for positive change and the confidence needed for a City Council position. Next best was Jamey Brooks. His absence was not really a bad thing. I think we know where he stands. Unlike the rest of the candidates, he did not project any negative images. Marcos was pretty good but needed more homework to keep up with Gayle (who doesn't?). Norris is well meaning and seems to have his heart in the right place. When is he going to start his homework? After the election? There is a lot to learn. Royce and Omero are still in first grade and are a long way from being able to understand what is going on with the City Government. Steve looked unprepared. He had no clue what was going on with the packing house proposal. I guess the developers hadn't told him what to say yet. Cecelia, as usual, was all about how great SHE is. Spending $100 million in this little town is NOT something to brag about. She is way out there.


Tommy said...

Why was Shirley Spittle allowed to READ a "prepared statement" while Clay wasn't even afforded the same deal? SOMETHING STINKS! Shame on you Martin Feral and League of Women Voters! (unbiased? lol)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Westling was prepared. I spoke with him earlier in the day. The LWV could not care less about the petty crap going on in Fillmore. And it's "Farrell".