Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pole Creek

Have you seen what Griffin is doing about Pole Creek? It looks like they are making a spillway for Pole Creek to empty into the Santa Clara River. If this is what they have going on, then they will eliminate a bunch of new homes and maybe need a bridge to cross the spillway. Does anyone have an insight into what they are doing?
The improvements that I see on the north side of 126 for Pole Creek seem inadaquate for rains like 2005 had. This town has had worse rains than that. Water rules and I think many buildings are in harms way in Fillmore. There needs to be a much wider opening under 126 to keep debris from blocking that opening. South of 126 needs at least as wide of a channel as the opening below 126 to keep thing flowing to the river. That's my view from seeing the problems of the past 21 years.


Tommy said...

Dave,as for the Pole Creek project,isn't this the second time it is been under construction? What was wrong with the first attempt? are we paying twice?

Dave said...

Hi Tommy,
They did a catch basin south of 126on the Griffin property and the first good rain washed it out. I think south of 126 is Griffin's nickel.

Anonymous said...

Dave,How much do think the City's Bulletin cost? Do you think Bill Bartels or any other of the City's sand-baggers put in for billable hours when they sign in only to ignore any question posted?

Anonymous said...

The City would be taking on a greater liability. If the problem is debris removal, then work with Supervisor Long and County Flood Control to solve the problem, don't spend thousands (if not millions) of dollars for a one time band-aid solution just to fool FEMA.

Is the City willing to take contingency money to buy the property, pay a Contractor and hope the work will pass Federal standards only to be faced with the same problem after the next major flood (or will they not care because the work would already be done and the liability transferred to unsuspecting businesses and residents who don't realize that 100 year floods occur every 10 years here).

The City Council, City Manager and Planners should know that when you go up against Mother Nature, She always wins. FEMA will not always be there to bail you out. Don't flush my tax dollars down the drain (or creek) so that you can try and "get by" Federal guidelines.

If you have extra money, spend it fighting crime and inproving public safety.