Friday, October 3, 2008

These People Listen To Citizens, Not Developers!

I completely endorse the following candidates and measures:

Gayle Washburn! City Council
This lady really cares about US. She gives her time to teach seniors how to use computers. She works endlessly researching ways to save US money. She puts her money where her mouth is.

Jamey Brooks! City Council
Jamey is all about helping people and has dedicated his life doing so as a pastor and friend to all. From that he saw the need to help the community on a bigger scale and dove into learning the nuts and bolts of city government so he could help more people.

Gracy Donahue! City Treasurer
Gracy is a superb accountant who wants the books open to all so WE know our government has nothing to hide. She will insure honesty with disclosure of our city's expenditures. She also wants to expand her duties for more hands on responsibilites.

Clay Westling! City Clerk
Clay is a great organizer who we can ALL count on to give us a fair shake and honest answers. He has worked tirelessly to promote the truth in government and will help lead us down a better path than our current one.

Measures "H" & "I"
The current residents of North Fillmore do not want the plan that City Council and City Management has forced upon them. They like the more moderate plans "H" & "I" offer. I believe we all moved to Fillmore for it's small town charm. We need these measures to help keep away the urban sprawl from our great little town.



Anonymous said...

Great endorsement for some Great people.
They all have my vote!!!

Anonymous said...

For the record:

Ventura County has rent control for all mobile home parks. Many of our cities in Ventura County have rent control for mobile home parks. I support rent control (like Ventura County) for Fillmore's own El Dorado Park. Protecting seniors' standard of living should remain both a privlege and an obligation of government.

Jamey Brooks
City Council Candidate

Anonymous said...

I agree Dave.I also like Marcos,he is gunning for Tom Ristau for covering up and protecting and promoting TASER BOY.It looks like Taser Boy holds the key to the Managers $214,000 a year job

Tommy said...

Why is it the Paper and the City are quiet about The Taser Boy? Why are they mum about his identity? Why is Taser Boy still employed after he brought a weapon to work? So the Chief is on leave (at our expense)for an ALLEGATION,and Taser Boy gets promoted(at our expense)for a KNOWN VIOLATION of City's own rules? Is this a case of zero tolerance? or justified favoritism?

Dave said...

Perhaps this is a case of "good ole boy" vs. not "good ole boy".

Anonymous said...

Tommy, too bad for you there is no cure for stupid.