Friday, November 14, 2008

The Votes are in and the Dust has Settled a Little

Well, we got 5 out of 6 with the election. An intregal part of the realignment of our City Government, Gracy Donahue, didn't make it in. She would have been one we could trust to watch over the City finances. I'd like to encourage her to run again. The new City Council has begun the transition process and will hit the ground running. Better times are ahead.
It was great to see the will of the people tell our local government that they didn't like the direction we were being lead. America, 'ya gotta love it! This is what the world envies.
Right now, the economy has stopped much of the excessive building plans in Fillmore. Griffins huge development south of 126 has ground to a halt. I don't understand how they got permission to build there. The water table is very close to the surface. There is standing water right behind El Dorado from them moving some of the dirt! The City gave them that permit? This is the kind of careless thing that our new Council will put an end to.


Anonymous said...

Griffin was able to bulid there because they bought Roy and Roger,then bought the council they wanted for $50,000

Tommy said...

I hope the new council appoints me Deputy Assistant Taser Boy! I have a new cape ,leotards and gloves.
Tommy Boy at your service~~ZAP~~ZAP~~~ZAP~~~

Anonymous said...

I think Tommy would make a wonderful Deputy Assistant Taser Boy I hope the new council sees the wisdom of more city employees ZAPPING Innocent people that "look" like gang-bangers.