Friday, December 19, 2008

Is Martin Farrell from Earth?

Ok, I'm a week behind on reading. I just read Martin's "Realities" rant about Jamey. Is Jamey just supposed to sit there and nod his head every so often or did we elect him to get a grip on the situation? Martin prefers the former. Get over it Martin, Steve is no longer in charge of the money spending machine. There really is a way to spend money without giving it to everybody who wants it. It's ok to turn down a project because we can't afford it. We don't have the unlimited revenue to match the unlimited spending of the last City Council. They spent $100 million! This is a small relatively poor town, give me a break! A million $ for a skate park on the wrong side of 126? Dumb! $26 million to treat chloride? Dumber! Tens of millions extra spent on a sewer plant? Dumbest! This city needs accountability more than ever and Martin wants us to close our eyes and just nod our heads. I say, Jamey and Gayle are just what the doctor ordered for this ailing city! By the way, on the Realities page Martin has an editorial ripping Obama, but on that same Internet page is an ad for a company selling "Super Obama" t-shirts. Martin's opinion sells for very little.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Martin will say anything about the City's Christmas Party? Do you think he will report about the newly ELECTED council members NOT being invited?

Anonymous said...

I suppose this blog would be more interesting IF there was interaction

Anonymous said...

I don't think this blog would be quite so boring if...there was more interaction.

Anonymous said...

Martin, Mike Mc Mahan, Cecilia Uber, leave the new councilmen alone and let them try to do their jobs. Experience takes time and they haven't even been in office long enough to judge them. Back off you jerks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!