Friday, March 27, 2009

Condo Conversion Secret

To date there has been no word from El Dorado management or the owner informing the residents of the "condo conversion". They haven't even told us they applied for the change. Mike Cirillo, President of Star Management, was seen at a Ventura restaurant with several of El Dorado's anti rent control residents recently. Why would that happen? Why do they get preferential treatment? Is this one of the things that makes them anti rent control? If Cirillo wants to talk to the residents, why not a meeting at the clubhouse? I think the picture is clear.
We need to get the Rent Control Initiative enacted before they carry out their plan.
I think that all of the work city staff is going to have to do for Measure I will delay their permit for the condo conversion and give us time to get the Initiative through.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Seniors At El Dorado Need Your Help Now!

The rent control initiative will be at Vons and Super A on Saturdays from 1pm-7pm and Sundays from 1pm-5pm.
The initiative will make it so the condo conversion will be much harder to get approved. It will also reduce the rent increases significantly.
Without your signatures many seniors will have to abandon their homes. If the condo conversion is allowed, WE will be paying for all park maintenance. This added cost will drive seniors from their home. Then where do they go?
We also need to slow down the rate of rent increases. I think that the people who moved in within the last 10 years never realized what their 4.5% increases would do to their rent in 10 years. At 4.5% rent nearly doubles in 10 years. At the signing of the lease, they see the rent right now and don't think of 10 years from now. The initiative will likely cut the increases in half, helping the seniors to be able to afford to live here longer.
Please talk to everyone you know about this terrible situation and encourage them to sign our initiative.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

El Dorado Owner Applies for Condo Conversion

In response to the filing of the Rent Control Initiative, the owner of El Dorado has applied with the city to do a condo conversion. The lots we live on will be up for sale to us. I believe that most of us will NOT be able to afford to buy our lot. Often, a condo conversion of a mobile home park is to defeat rent control. If one lot sells, there can be no rent control in the park. They could sell a lot for $1 just to defeat rent control. If the rent control initiative becomes law first the conversion will be prevented by the law, in my opinion. If they win, there will be no stopping their greed. They will have no obsticles to raising our rents beyond what we can afford (they have already done that to some here). Our home values are at least $100,00 less than at Rancho Santa Paula, where they have rent control. Rancho's average rent is about $370 per month while ours is about $700, almost double. There are ladies in El Dorado whose Social Security is their only income and it barely covers the rent and utilities. They have stolen our home equity, which is the life savings of many of the seniors in El Dorado. The owner and management company owner should be ashamed to go out in public.

Rent Control in El Dorado?

Yes, Rick Myers and I submitted a Rent Control Initiative to the city on Monday March 2nd. The legal notice will appear this Thursday in the Gazette. At that time we can start gathering signatures for the Initiative. As soon as I see the notice in the paper, I will help organize signature gathering to begin Saturday at 1pm at Vons and, hopefully Super A. Any volunteers? Call me at 4024. We will be there from 1pm- 7pm Saturday and 1pm- 5pm Sunday for about 3 weekends. I would like to be able to give the seniors who volunteer a 1 hour shift, the rest a 2 hour shift. Please come by and sign, we NEED your help. To sign you must live in the Fillmore city limits, be a registered voter and sign your name just like on your voter registration card.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gary Creagle

First off, I want to point out that Gary recently lost his wife. Since then, he has been bashed by Martin Farrell and his caring followers. This is dispicable! You attack someone who is grieving? These attackers need to shut the #@$%^& up. Gary is at best, an advisor, not the one deciding things, so leave him alone.
Next, I would like to see Roy, Roger, Burt and company, finally admit that their supposed savings of $814,000 in sewer rate increases was just an accounting error that was corrected. Operating costs were inserted into the sewer budget too soon and they removed those expenses since the plant was not operating. Big deal! They corrected their mistake.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The "Great" Roy Payne Resigns

I think I'm in the majority when I say that Roy will most be remembered for bringing us a sewer plant that is less than half the capacity of Santa Paula's and cost more. And he says he worked in our best interest? I think that Santa Paula actually did their job, not Roy. The vote was clear from the good people of Fillmore. We want the people responsible for this huge waste (not water) of money gone! There are other water issues for them to over spend on, so let's get 'em all out now! We can't afford the likes of them, this is not a rich town. So who is next? Roger Dodger? We'll see!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 13 at the Zoo!

Ok, the power struggle has reached the speed of sound. First, Tom Ristau writes the agenda from hell, then he complains that things are taking too long. I guess he wants it to appear that the new majority City Council can't get the job done. Nobody could get that agenda done in one day, let alone one evening.
Tom, it seems you don't like Clay (understatement of the young year). We can't have non staff people hearing what goes on behind closed doors, can we, Tom?
There was more defensiveness than Sadaam had last night. Something to hide ole boys? I swear, the whole staff couldn't spell transparency with a spell checker. We need to knock down those walls!
Well, i got the idea of how it was going by 9:15pm and went home for dinner. It was interesting, but the old guard objected to everything and wasted a lot of time, in my opinion. The ole boys are trying to bring this town to a halt. I say, Tom Ristau needs to leave and Laurie and Steve need to contain themselves and concede their loss of power.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jamey Brooks

Martin Farrell thinks Jamey wants to ask for things he has no right to see, like all the city contracts, including our consultants contracts. To me, any elected official should immediately get aquainted with these contracts. Jamey asking for them at his first Council Meeting was his obligation. But our wonderful paper has to slam him for doing his job from the beginning. I'll tell 'ya, the media has lost contact with reality and just pushes their agenda. It makes me sick! Jamey takes responsibilty and gets blasted for it? I guess Martin is so used to the irresponsible spending of the past, that he is having trouble adjusting to change. Jamey deserves praise for doing as he campaigned, it's such a rarity.