Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scott Lee Gives Me "Run Around"!

Just kidding! He actually gave me a drive around. After Tuesday's City Council meeting, Scott asked me if I'd like to tour Fillmore's storm drainage system. I had asked him why we needed the huge pipes under Central Ave. a few weeks earlier. I agreed and he drove me all over town showing me some pathetic drains and what the water flow was in town. North Fillmore gets run off from from the rest of northern Central Ave. The run off coming down Central takes a right on 3rd, 2nd and I think, 1st and dumps into North Fillmore. When the Central Ave. project is finished, what ever makes it past 1st will drain into this pipe, They want to continue the pipe to about 3rd to relieve some of the volume that goes to N. Fillmore. I've had North Fillmore residents tell me that it has never flooded there, so why spend the money. So go figure. I know that when the next big rain happens, I'm driving over to North Fillmore to see the truth for myself. I'll probably cruise the rest of the town to see the drainage system work or not work. With all the conflicting stories in town, I want to see the truth for myself and so should you. For now I believe the residents, because if they were getting flooded they would scream bloody murder at City Council meetings to get it fixed and I've never heard of that happening.


Anonymous said...

Looky what I dug up,intresting isn't it?

Jul 14, 2006
On Tuesday evening, July 11, the Fillmore City Council met to consider the North Fillmore redevelopment plan and the Cabrillo plan for 29 units of low income housing next to the railroad on main street just east of Mountian View. The Fillmore and Western Railroad opposes the plan because of dangers to Children. The council wisely took the advice of the public for further study despite Councilwoman Cuevas' cold and callus attempt to push the project through anyway totally neglecting the fact that little chldren could be killed and lose their arms and legs.

With regard to the North Fillmore Plan, the Council went ahead with the approval of 700 units depite an outraged audience in council chambers opposing the plan. Councilman Smedley commented that the number of people opposing the plan in council chambers was small compared to the total population of the town and that those not present had to be represented. Interestingly not one person in favor of the project was present in council chambers! Some opposed to the project made such eloquent arguments that those present cheered and clapped. Mayor Viagas said that was a slap in the face to the City Council. Councilman Conway said that he had dug his family out of a flood in the Los Serenos tract and there is nothing wrong with others digging themselves out in the future. Councilman Dressler said he had heard all kinds of arguments about floods and natural disasters and considered it "the sky is falling" clap trap.

A majority of those attending left wondering what has happened to small town democracy in Fillmore? Isn't the council supposed to represent the people instead of the developers as it appears to be representing? Time for comment was limited to 3 minutes by the council. Nevertheless, when a spokemen for the developers spoke, Mayor Viagas let the spokenman ramble on past the three minute limit until one irate resident said, "Mr. Mayor, does this man get more time than the rest of us because he represents developers?" Another resident watching the time observered that the Mayor had allowed the developer's lobbyist speak for 4 minutes and 30 seconds without saying anything!

Clearly, the Fillmore City Council stinks and the voters must recall and elect new numbers who will not ignor the public's interest as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

2 more to go!