Friday, February 13, 2009

Gary Creagle

First off, I want to point out that Gary recently lost his wife. Since then, he has been bashed by Martin Farrell and his caring followers. This is dispicable! You attack someone who is grieving? These attackers need to shut the #@$%^& up. Gary is at best, an advisor, not the one deciding things, so leave him alone.
Next, I would like to see Roy, Roger, Burt and company, finally admit that their supposed savings of $814,000 in sewer rate increases was just an accounting error that was corrected. Operating costs were inserted into the sewer budget too soon and they removed those expenses since the plant was not operating. Big deal! They corrected their mistake.


Tommy said...

I'm gonna join Martin's Mental Midget Militia so I can covertly Taze our citizens without the worry of being exposed. My new cape and leotards are now red with a gold star.

Anonymous said...

Posted by Oceans11 on February 16, 2009 at 2:31 p.m. (Suggest removal)

I have watch Anderson Cooper's stories since he joined CNN. My being a former journalist, and graduate of a Boston college in 1964, which has a Journalism degree course, and working in radio and television in my "early years", I can somewhat appreciate Anderson's great career path.

I wished I could have been present at the TO fete. Nice report, Michelle!

*John King*

hmmmmm I thought he was a Lawyer...I think he and Martin are the same,

Anonymous said...

Notice how Centurion doesn't post anything when Martin needs to get the paper out...hmmmm

Anonymous said...

whom are up for reelection in 2010?

Dave said...

To Anon 1:53pm-
Laurie and Patti.

Suzette said...

I have respect for Gary Creagle much more than i can say for the past 5 mayors, so the insults coming from Farrell and King,Conaway and the other anonymous cowards are hateful gossip.I have a feeling that this King character is a past mayor.Remember that failed letter of the past 5 mayors?Farrells endorsements didn't help either.

Suzette said...

Censor Laurie!

Anonymous said...

what is roy paine blabbing about blogs with photos displaying city hall?

Anonymous said...

All i can say is that blog fillmore politics and beyond is horrible.Major hidden agendas being spilled out into cyber space.I already flagged them and I will do the same to this blog.

Dave said...

OMG! Don't FLAG me!

Dave said...

Thanks for all the hits. My ad revenue will be up!

Anonymous said...

how much does steve c. weigh?

Tommy said...

I don't know how much Steve weighs, but I noticed Ted throws him fish after he talks

Anonymous said...

Martin doesn't like my posts and removed a few of them. So I asked Scott nicely if Centurion's hate filled "opinions" were acceptable. Guess what??? he removed that one too! The Sleezette is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the City. Gee I wonder how obvious the photoshopped picture of "The Troll" will be. Martin Feral makes me sick (barf!)

Anonymous said...

I hope the new council shows "Martin the Feral Centurion" how well they can save us money by not renewing his contract to publish the Legal Notices. I think the VC Star's "Fillmore Division" could do it for less.

Tommy said...


1. Open a new file on your computer.
2. Name it 'Centurion'.
3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.
4. Click "Empty the Recycle Bin."
5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Centurion'?
6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'
7. There --Don't you feel better?

GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do 'Martin'

Anonymous said...

Thank Martin's Staff for having Blabber Mouths. They couldn't keep a secret to save their worthless jobs. John King is a old war buddy of Martins living in "the Philippines' Martin is the evil Centurion with a temper. He spews his contempt and BS toward our elected officials through this character.His "friend" was duped into posing for the pictures. And the rest of his Lockstep Monsters were made fools of when they apologized and bowed down to this fraud. Steve is the biggest fool in this caper (no pun intended)...ISN'T THAT RIGHT SARGE?

Anonymous said...

Jeeze Dave, how come you get the credit for Agent86's stuff on the blog's? Tell them it was me damn it! lol

Dave said...

Sorry, kids, I've been to busy to read the blogs lately. I give up on going to the mean spirited Gazoo site. No facts, just slander!

Anonymous said...

Dave...this is 86. The Lockstep Monsters are hell bent on finding my identity...under NO circumstances are you to reveal my Identity...The Chief wanted me to give you this cyanide capsule in case the pressure becomes are to keep it under your collar and bite into it when you feel your going to cave. As you know ALL AGENTS IDENTITY MUST NEVER BE COMPROMISED!

Anonymous said...

Dave...are you still with us? Did you bite the cyanide capsule?.....Dave?

Dave said...

I'm a busy little boy. I'm going to send Feral a picture of you holding MY boomerang!